poach me

This is Cass’ poached pear recipe. This recipe is a bonus – 2 in 1 products. The leftover poaching syrup can be used as the sweet-spiced flavouring for mulled wine. So you end up with poached pears and mulled wine! – see mulled, mulled wine for method. The pears are great sliced on top of…

mulled, mulled wine

Use the syrup from Cass’ poached pear recipe – see pears and cream. This recipe is a bonus – 2 in 1 products. The leftover poaching syrup is the sweet-spiced flavouring for the wine. So you end up with poached pears and mulled wine! The spices in this recipe are the same as the mulled cider…

i am the egg man

Left-over guac from the night before? How about this Mexican inspired poached egg dish? Enjoy it for brekkie or for brunch. If you’ve got quick pickled cabbage left over that’s a bonus. But recipe can be done without. Poached eggs with chorizo, guacamole, quick pickled cabbage and coriander Serves 2 fresh eggs (1-2 each) (the…


This is appropriately named as who doesn’t love avocado? – Especially as their guac form. I’d like to put here that my grandma loved avocados so much that she used them in place of kiwi fruit in a trifle – a much loved and reminisced family moment of my grandma – but I think that…

roast potato, roast potato

Yes I have referenced the Wiggles. Who else for this type of meal? It’s the time of year for roast potatoes. Well, in my household it’s always the time for these but in Winter, more so. This recipe will give crispy crunch on the outside, soft on the inside. As many potatoes as you want….

tangelo yellow

It’s tangelo season! I love tangelos and so when I saw them appear in my local this week, I had to make this cake. The actual recipe (in Falling Cloudberries – Tessa Kirros) doesn’t call for them, but they make a tasty addition. The recipe is great as it can be a simple and easy…

I span so far away

I had an obscene amount of silverbeet that was getting to the overgrown stage. And ricotta was half price at my local. So spanakopita it was! This recipe is an adapted version from Tess Mallos – The Complete Middle Eastern Cookbook. Spanakopita To fit a 25cm x 35 cm rectangular dish 850 g of spinach…

mr. milk

I have been hanging out to reference this song. And I am sure I will reference again many times due to my undying love for You Am I. I managed 2 references this post session – see pasta guy. crème renversée This is a Neil Perry recipe from his book Rockpool, which has been adapted…

smashing pumpkin

Use the pasta guy dough (see basics) recipe. You will have enough for 4 serves of the ravioli, with maybe some extra dough you can roll out as pappardelle to dry. This was a team effort last night. I was cooking a main and dessert for a lunch today and so Cass made the pumpkin…

pasta guy

Pasta recipe – enough for 4 serves (adapted from Stephanie Alexander’s Cook’s Companion): 400g plain flour (or 00 flour) 4 eggs. Beaten. 3 tsp salt Add a drizzle of olive oil for a slicker pasta. Recipe can be done by hand, in a food processor or a kitchen-aid (with a dough hook). To roll: Pasta…

orange machine

This cake is a beauty for many reasons: It is no fuss and tastes like it is Doesn’t take long to know the recipe by heart It makes the house smell like oranges It is a filling mid morning snack with bonus energy It freezes well in portions Stays and feels fresh for a little…