The Liebster Award

It was a nice surprise to receive this nomination from Tracey (Tracey O’Brien Blog) after taking a break from blogging for a little bit. She does a wonderful job on her blog combining travel, writing, food and eating – well worth a visit if you haven’t come across her already.

Blogging awards like the Liebster Award, are a great way to share blogs that you have discovered, as well as recognising the efforts of the people behind the blogs, and building the blogging community – so thank you Tracey!

The rules are as follows:

  1. Thank the person/blog who nominated you and link back to them.
  2. Write a post telling your fellow bloggers 11 things about yourself.
  3. Answer the 11 questions asked by the blog who nominated you.
  4. Create 11 questions for those you will nominate.
  5. Nominate 5-11 new bloggers (who have less than 200 followers)

Fun Facts about me, Zoe:

  1. I am a sucker for British Rom Coms (along the lines of Notting Hill, Love Actually)
  2. I love Art, music, gardening and our two dogs Billie and Ella
  3. If I was a boy I would have been called Ry, after Ry Cooder
  4. I have a weak spot for dresses and heels
  5. I drive a 1982 Suzuki Sierra most days
  6. I am a big fan of French movies (thanks to my mum and my high school French teacher)
  7. I have a lot of fun going to gigs with my mum and her friend Sandra. We all love to dance and to be right up the front
  8. I started this blog to help myself take my mind off of work and to do something about working towards a hopeful cafe that Cass and I would like to start one day
  9. In 3 weeks today I am off to Cuba with my parents and Cass
  10. I have a weakness for all things Tim Rogers
  11. In my life I have wonderful parents and in-laws, a gorgeous and supportive husband, a strong extended family and beautiful friends who have encouraged, put up with (1, 4 and 10) and shared in points 1-10!

Here are the answers to Tracey’s questions for me:

What is your favourite thing to eat for a midnight feast? Cheese toasties. Especially the kind Cass makes – fried with delicious things inside like jalapenos or pickled cucumbers and sriracha.  

Is there anything you like to eat now that you hated as a child? Tomatoes.

What’s your favourite cuisine? Vietnamese – at the moment. This was a tough one to narrow down – so I added at the moment!

Do you have a favourite film? Again – a tough one – but Crackerjack is the one I always go to when my spirits need lifting and it’s the one I can quote from start to finish!

Where in the world would you most like to go that you haven’t yet visited? Many places in South America.

What is the place you most enjoyed of the places you have visited? I have three places (I think also due to the people I was with) – Toulouse, France because I got to experience the place like a local with a beautiful host family and group of people, and Kangaroo Island with Cass – I did feel like I was on a tropical island far away from home! And Mount Bulla when I was three with my parents – I have lots of fun, happy memories of making and falling in love with a snow man, hiking to the soundtrack of If you’re happy and you know it, talking to my uncle Joe through the camera (long story) and Yea (Pronounced Yay!)

Are you a morning or a night person? Morning

How do you like to relax in the evenings? Walking the dogs, cooking, glass of red, a good British comedy, or quiz show (Pointless, Would I lie to You?) or a time period or place detective show (Dr Blake, Miss Fisher, Death in Paradise)

Do you like to make lists? Yes! And I like to cross things off of my list too!

What is the favourite piece you have hanging in your wardrobe? At the moment my sparkly, silver sequin glitter ball shift dress

If you had the chance to meet someone famous who would it be? Tim Rogers – again – so that I could apologise for being so star-struck the first time and have more of the conversation he was having with my mum and I (but we were just being seriously excited fans!)

Here are my questions for my nominees:

  1. If you could go back in time, what decade would you want to live in and why?
  2. What was the catalyst for beginning your blog?
  3. What are some tips and tricks for how you juggle blogging alongside your other life commitments?
  4. What is your favourite go-to outfit?
  5. What do you do to unwind?
  6. Are you an entrée, main or dessert kind of person?
  7. What do you get the most enjoyment out of – cooking or eating a meal?
  8. What is the most memorable meal you have had and why?
  9. Are you semi-fluent or fluent in another language, if yes what one(s) and if no, what language(s) would you like to be able to speak?
  10. Are you a movie or a book person (you can be both too!)?
  11. What is your drink of choice?

And the nominees are:

Teti’s Flakes

Small Kitchen Cooking

The Food Interpreters

Estonian Cuisine


Garlicky Girl

7 Comments Add yours

  1. Louise says:


    Liked by 1 person

  2. Teti says:

    Congratulations for your nomination!Thank you for nominating me!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and you are very welcome – well deserved 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post, Zoe. Loved your answers and questions. It’s a great opportunity to get to know fellow bloggers a little better – and to see how much we have in common! Cheese toasties – definitely talking my language.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! Have had a few of these recently coming home late from weddings and bands (the other reason I haven’t blogged in awhile – thankfully it wasn’t all work!)

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you very much for nominating us! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No worries! Looking forward to reading your answers when you get the chance 😊

      Liked by 1 person

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